Benefits of Remote Mentoring for Mentees and Mentors

COVID-19 has changed a lot of how we do things including our work spaces. The need to social distance as well as observe the SOPs deemed it necessary that all non essential workers start working from home. However, this sudden change has impacted people differently especially in regard to mental health. The need for human contact is intrinsic for all of us, and because of this we are experiencing a rise in remote mentoring to keep people connected, and engaged at the same time through resources such as ice breakers, forums, and goal templates. Remote mentoring platforms focus on encouraging open communication, employee wellbeing, growth, and development; and as such benefit the mentees, mentors, and the organisation at large. Here’s what you’ll love about remote mentoring;

Allows for Flexibility and Convenience

Since the mentorship program is not in-house, the mentors and mentees can agree on a time that best suits everyone.

The pandemic has brought with it added responsibilities for employees especially parents- who have to home school their kids, probably have an infant to babysit as well since day care centres are closed, and babysitters are also social distancing- making it difficult to dictate a time when all should meet. Remote mentoring allows for planning on the part of all involved so that employees and mentors can conveniently and flexibly meet.

Pool of Mentors is Larger

A lot of mentors are now available to offer themselves for the benefit of mentees, which was not the case before the pandemic. Many mentors are very busy high flying experts who did not have the time and energy to pass on their experiences to employees due to various commitments. This has since changed, and mentees are able to benefit from their knowledge, and for the mentors to also understand the employees experiences which would not otherwise have happened under the traditional mentoring programs. The mentors come with different experiences as well as from different cultures and demographics, a pool mentees can vastly benefit from.

Large Number of Participants

Due to the fact Peer Pioneers is a remote scalable mentoring platform, it is not limited in terms of geographical location on who can take part. Mentors and mentees are as diverse as diverse can be. An employee in London may connect with a mentor in Paris or New York. This is a very enriching experience for all involved. As experiences are shared, different perspectives are shared and new ideas developed breaking the monotony of isolation.

Authentic Relationships Created Quicker

Within the comfort of one’s home, it may be easier to connect with another person remotely than would have been the case had it been a face to face interaction. This creates an environment for deeper conversations, and knowledge sharing hence enabling meaningful relationships to thrive between mentors and mentees.

In as much as remote mentoring platforms and programs have been found to benefit both mentor and mentee, they have been found to benefit the organisation as a whole in turn. The majority of mentors have confessed to gaining better management skills and employee insight according to a Boston University study as a result of remote mentoring.

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