The biggest mistakes candidates make in interviews

Not being prepared

One of the biggest mistakes that candidates make in interviews is not being prepared. This includes not doing your research on the company, not practicing your interview skills, and not being familiar with the interview questions that may be asked.

Not being prepared can lead to a number of negative outcomes, such as appearing unprepared, not being able to answer common interview questions, and not being able to sell yourself and your skills.

To avoid making this mistake, make sure to do your research on the company, practice your interview skills, and review common interview questions.

The best way to prepare for an interview is to think about the questions that you might be asked and practice your answers. You can also practice interviewing with a friend or family member.

Some common interview questions that you can practice include:

Why are you interested in this position?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What are your biggest achievements?

Why did you leave your last job?

What are your goals for the future?

How would you describe your personality?

Can you give me an example of a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation?

The best way to answer these questions is to be prepared and have a few examples ready to go. If you have a specific question that you’re worried about, do some research on it and come up with a good answer.

In addition to preparing for the questions that may be asked, you should also be prepared to sell yourself and your skills. Make sure to have a few stories or examples ready to illustrate your strengths and how you would be a good fit for the position.

By being prepared, you can avoid making common mistakes and improve your chances of getting the job.

Speaking too much

One of the biggest mistakes that candidates make in interviews is speaking too much. This can result in you rambling on and on about irrelevant topics, or saying something that could potentially harm your candidacy.

Instead, try to limit your responses to succinct, well-thought-out statements. If the interviewer asks a question that you're not sure how to answer, take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. And if you don't know the answer to a question, be honest and let the interviewer know that you don't know, but that you're willing to find out.

By speaking in a clear and concise manner, you'll come across as being more professional and polished. And that's definitely something that the interviewer will appreciate.

Not being assertive

If you're not assertive in interviews, you're likely to come across as passive and indecisive. This can make it difficult to sell yourself and stand out from the other candidates.

In order to be successful in interviews, you need to be able to articulate your skills and strengths, as well as show that you're motivated and keen to take on the role. Being assertive is a key part of this, as it enables you to take control of the conversation and make a good impression.

There are a few things you can do to be more assertive in interviews:

- Make sure you're well-prepared. Knowing your CV inside out and being able to talk confidently about your experience and skills will help you feel more confident and in control.

- Be clear and concise in your responses. Don't waffle or go off on tangents - remember, you only have a few minutes to make a good impression.

- Use body language to convey your confidence. Sit up straight, make eye contact and practise smiling - this will help you come across as assertive and positive.

- Stay calm and positive. If you're feeling stressed or anxious, take a few deep breaths and remember that the interviewer is on your side - they want you to do well.

By being assertive in your interviews, you'll be able to demonstrate that you're the perfect candidate for the role.

In short, being assertive is key to a successful interview. By preparing well, being clear and concise in your responses, and using positive body language, you can make a great impression and show that you're the right person for the job.

Not following up

One of the biggest mistakes a candidate can make in an interview is not following up. After the interview is over, it is important to send a thank you note to the interviewer. This will show that you are interested in the job and that you appreciate the opportunity. It can also set you apart from the other candidates who interviewed for the position.

In your thank you note, be sure to mention something from the interview. This will show that you were paying attention and that you are interested in the position. You can also ask for more information about the job or the company. Whatever you do, make sure you send the thank you note within 48 hours of the interview.

Not following up can be a big mistake and can cost you the job. If you are interested in the position, make sure you follow up with a thank you note. It will show the interviewer that you are interested and that you appreciate the opportunity.


Candidates can make a number of mistakes in an interview, but the biggest one is often complacency. They may think that they only need to show up and answer the questions asked, and they may not spend enough time preparing for the meeting. They may also not research the company or the position they are interviewing for. As a result, they may not be able to give good answers to the interviewer's questions or they may come across as unprepared or uninterested in the job.

In order to avoid these mistakes, candidates should always prepare for an interview. This includes doing research on the company, the position, and the industry, as well as practicing answering questions. They should also arrive early for the interview and dress appropriately. By taking the time to prepare, candidates can ensure that they make the best possible impression in the interview.

Complacency is the biggest mistake that candidates make in interviews. They may think they only need to show up and answer the questions asked, and they may not spend enough time preparing for the meeting. As a result, they may not be able to give good answers to the interviewer's questions or they may come across as unprepared or uninterested in the job.

Dressing inappropriately

There is no one golden rule for dressing for an interview – it depends on the company and the industry. However, there are a few general do’s and don’ts that are worth keeping in mind.

Dressing inappropriately is the number one mistake candidates make in interviews. This can include anything from wearing too much or too little makeup, to dressing in a way that is too casual or too formal.

It is always better to be overdressed than underdressed, so aim to dress at least one level up from what you would wear to the office. For women, this usually means wearing a skirt or trouser suit rather than jeans, and for men it means a shirt and tie rather than a T-shirt.

Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed and free of stains and wrinkles. And, most importantly, practice what you’re going to wear before the interview so that you can be sure you feel comfortable and confident in your outfit.

If in doubt, it’s always best to ask the recruiter or HR representative for advice on what to wear.

Some general tips to keep in mind:

- Wear solid colors rather than patterns

- Avoid wearing too much jewelry or perfume

- Dress one level up from what you would wear to the office

- Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed and free of stains and wrinkles

Not being yourself

Many candidates make the mistake of not being themselves in interviews. This usually results in them coming across as inauthentic and unengaging. Candidates should always aim to be themselves in interviews – after all, the interviewer wants to get to know the real you, not some fake persona.

The best way to be yourself in an interview is to be prepared. Make sure you know everything there is to know about the company and the role you’re interviewing for, and practice your answers to common interview questions. This will help you feel confident and natural in the interview.

If you’re genuine and enthusiastic, the interviewer will appreciate your authenticity and may be more likely to offer you the job.So, the next time you have an interview, relax and be yourself – the interviewer will appreciate it!

A quick recap

Speaking too much:

When you're trying to make a good impression in an interview, it can be easy to go on and on about yourself. But talking too much can actually make you seem insecure and desperate.

Not being prepared:

It's important to come into an interview prepared, with questions of your own and a solid understanding of what the company does and what the position entails. If you're not familiar with the company or the position, you'll look like you're not interested.

Not being assertive:

Sometimes candidates are afraid to ask for what they want or to stand up for themselves. But in an interview, you need to be assertive in order to sell yourself and your skills.

Not following up:

After an interview, it's important to follow up with the interviewer to thank them for their time and to reiterate your interest in the position. A simple email or letter can make a big impression.


A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that they only have to put in a minimal amount of effort to get the job they want. But to really stand out in a competitive job market, you need to go the extra mile.

Dressing inappropriately:

It's important to dress appropriately for an interview, which means dressing in a way that shows respect for the company and the position you're interviewing for.- not being yourself: One of the biggest mistakes you can make in an interview is trying to be someone you're not.

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