Why workplace harassment rates are decreasing in organisations that have a mentoring program

The Benefits of Mentoring Programs in Reducing Workplace Harassment There are many reasons why workplace harassment rates are decreasing in organisations that have a mentoring program. One reason is that when employees feel supported by their managers and have a positive relationship with them, they are less likely to engage in harassing behaviour. In addition, when employees have access to a mentor they can rely on for guidance and support, they are less likely to feel isolated or alone in the workplace, which can also lead to less harassment. Lastly, when organisations have a mentoring program in place, it sends a message to employees that harassment will not be tolerated, and that the organisation is committed to creating a safe and respectful workplace.

When employees feel supported by their managers and have positive relationships with them, they are less likely to engage in harassing behaviour. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that employees who have a positive relationship with their supervisor are 50% less likely to engage in harassing behaviour than employees who don’t have a positive relationship with their supervisor. In addition, research by the Harvard Business Review has shown that employees who have a mentor are less likely to engage in harassing behaviour. This is likely because when employees have someone they can rely on for guidance and support, they are less likely to feel isolated or alone in the workplace, which can lead to less harassment.

When organisations have a mentoring program in place, it sends a message to employees that harassment will not be tolerated. A study by the Workplace Bullying Institute found that organisations that have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and harassment experience significantly less incidences of these behaviours. In addition, a study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that organisations that have a mentoring program are more likely to have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment. This is likely because when employees know that the organisation is committed to creating a safe and respectful workplace, they are less likely to engage in harassing behaviour.

Overall, mentoring programs can play a significant role in reducing workplace harassment rates. When employees feel supported by their managers, have access to a mentor, and know that the organisation is committed to creating a safe and respectful workplace, they are less likely to engage in harassing behaviour.

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