
Continuing Competence: How Mentoring in The Legal Profession Can Help

A directive was given by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) that effective 1 November 2016, all individuals in legal practice would be evaluated based on continuing competence in place of the then continuing professional development (CPD).

Start-up Incubators / Accelerators and the Case for Business Coaches During Lockdown

Business incubators exist to speed up the growth of a new business by keeping it pointed in the right direction. They offer office space to house the start-up as well as avail the IT infrastructure, access to funding, and open up networking opportunities for the budding entrepreneur.

The Case for Coaching Professionals in Lockdown

A great coach should offer guidance and assistance to a professional by helping them to clarify their vision, and how that vision fits into their personal goals. Coaching propels a professional career as well as increase overall wellbeing, enabling staff to stand tall among their peers and industry.
Mentoring Action Plan - Strategic Human Resource Management